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Baco - vertaling naar Engels

Baco (disambiguation)

n. Bacchus, god of wine (Roman Mythology)
  • Bacchus and Ampelos ". Pre-1865 image of a Roman statue in the Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.
  • Mosaic of Dionysus, 4th century.
  • ''Bacchus and Ariadne'' (1822) by [[Antoine-Jean Gros]]
  • ''Bacchus'' - [[Simeon Solomon]] (1867)
  • Roman fresco]] depicting Bacchus, [[Boscoreale]], c. 30 BC
  • ''Bacchus and Ampelos'' by [[Francesco Righetti]] (1782)
  • [[Badakshan]] [[patera]], "Triumph of Bacchus" (first–fourth century).<ref>The Diffusion of Classical Art in Antiquity, John Boardman, Princeton University Press 1993, p.96</ref> [[British Museum]].
  • Colossal statue of [[Antinous]] as Dionysus.
  • ''The Triumph of Bacchus'' by [[Cornelis de Vos]]
  • Pentheus torn apart by Agave and Ino. Attic red-figure ''[[lekanis]]'' (cosmetics bowl) lid, c. 450–425 BC (Louvre)
  • region]] of [[Greece]], late second century BC, [[Archaeological Museum of Delos]]
  • Ancient Roman relief in the Museo Archeologico (Naples) depicting Dionysus holding a thyrsus and receiving a libation, wearing an ivy wreath, and attended by a panther
  • Palazzo Massimo]] Rome, 4th century AD
  • A [[mosaic]] from [[Antioch]] of Dionysos, 2nd century AD
  • Dionysus extending a drinking cup ''([[kantharos]])'' (late sixth century BC)
  • panther]]'s back; on the left, a [[papposilenus]] holding a tambourine. Side A from a red-figure bell-shaped crater, c. 370 BC.
  • The over-life size second-century AD [[Ludovisi Dionysus]], with panther, satyr and grapes on a vine, [[Palazzo Altemps]], Rome
  • Marble bust of youthful Dionysus. Knossos, second century AD. [[Archaeology museum]] of [[Heraklion]].
  • access-date=2017-03-06}}</ref>
  • Antinoöpolis]], fifth–seventh century ([[Metropolitan Museum of Art]])
  • ''Bacchus, Ceres and Amor'', (1595–1605). Oil on canvas by [[Hans von Aachen]].
  • alt=Hendrik Goltzius, 1600–03, ''Sine Cerere et Libero friget Venus'' (Without Ceres and Bacchus, Venus Would Freeze). c. 1600-1603, ink on canvas, Philadelphia Museum of Art
  • ''[[Hermes and the Infant Dionysus]]'' by [[Praxiteles]] ([[Archaeological Museum of Olympia]])
  • Jupiter et Sémélé]]''. Oil on canvas by [[Gustave Moreau]], 1895.
  • Pinax of Persephone and Hades on the throne, from the holy shrine of Persephone at Locri.
  • ''[[The Triumph of Bacchus]]'', [[Diego Velázquez]], c. 1629
  • Lycurgus]] trapped by the vine, on the [[Lycurgus Cup]]
  • Terracotta head, 4-5th century, [[Gandhara]] (modern Pakistan)
  • Detail of the bronze Ponte Garibaldi Bacchus, Palazzo Massimo, Rome
  • website=The British Museum}}</ref>
  • Marble sarcophagus with the Triumph of Dionysos, who is riding a panther, with attendants, the Four Seasons, Tellus and Ocean, c. 220-230
  • Bacchus]]'' by [[Michelangelo]] (1497)
  • Epiphany of Dionysus [[mosaic]], from the Villa of Dionysus (second century AD) in [[Dion, Greece]], Archeological Museum of Dion
  • jstor=4629244 }}</ref>
  • Roman marble relief (first century AD) from [[Naukratis]] showing the Greek god Dionysus, snake-bodied and wearing an [[Egypt]]ian crown.
  • Bardo National Museum]])
  • Bacchus by [[Paulus Bor]]
  • Wall protome of a bearded Dionysus. [[Boeotia]], early fourth century BC.
  • title= Sarcophagus Depicting the Birth of Dionysus}}</ref>
  • The education of Dionysus. Fresco, now in the [[Museo Nazionale Romano]], Rome, c. 20 AD
  • ''Sacrifice to Bacchus''. Oil on canvas by [[Massimo Stanzione]], c. 1634
  • [[Satyr]] giving a [[grapevine]] to Bacchus as a child; [[cameo glass]], first half of the first century AD; from Italy
  • ''Bacchus with leopard'' (1878) by [[Johann Wilhelm Schütze]]
  • the hair]] of the figures and the branches; from an [[Asia Minor]] workshop, 170–180 AD, [[National Archaeological Museum, Athens]], Greece
  • A sculpted phallus at the entrance of the temple of Dionysus in [[Delos]], Greece
  • Marble head of Dionysus, 2nd century AD, [[Capitoline Museums]], Rome
  • The Conquest of [[India]] by Dionysus at the archaeological museum of [[Sétif]], c. 200–300 AD
  • National Gallery]] in London
  • Painted wood panel depicting Serapis, who was considered the same god as Osiris, Hades, and Dionysus in [[Late Antiquity]]. Second century AD.
  • Dionysus with long torch sitting on a throne, with [[Helios]], [[Aphrodite]] and other gods. Antique fresco from [[Pompeii]].
  • Pluto]] with adorant. Fourth century BC. From [[Karystos]], Archaeological museum of [[Chalkida]].
Liknites; Lyaeus; Dionysos; Dyonisos; Dionysus Dendrites; Dionysos Dendrites; Dyonysus; Bassareus; Bacchic; Di-wo-ni-so-jo; Dionysus,; Bacchic art; Dionysis; Bacchic Art; Dionysiac cult; Diónysos; Bacchus (mythology); Father Bacchus; Bacchus (god); Acratophorus; Aegobolus; Lyoeus; Bachus; Διόνυσος; Διώνυσος; God of Wine; Bacchus; Layios; Bacchino; Morychus; Lyæus
  • Bacchanal on a [[Roman sarcophagus]] of 210–220 AD
Bacchanal; Bacchanalian; Bacchanals; Bacchanalias; Bacchanalian cult



Baco may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Baco
1. - Double baco cheeseburger.
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Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Baco
1. Apicio, Baco, Marie-Antoine Carкme, Escoffier y Paul Bocuse.
2. También fui mimo en Nápoles disfrazado del dios Baco.
3. Parte del éxito se debe a su última atracción: Furis Baco, una suerte de montaña rusa que acelera de 0 a 135 kilómetros por hora en sólo tres segundos.
4. En el mismo comunicado, el propio Rato explica su incorporación al baco de inversiones: "Lazard tiene una destacada reputación como asesor independiente y fiable, conocido por su rigor, creatividad e integridad, cualidades que valoro profundamente y comparto". Lazard, firma francoamericana fundada en 1848, opera con 2.200 trabajadores desde 35 ciudades y 17 países en América, Europa, Asia y Australia.